
BIOL 305 - Population and community ecology

This is the course website for BIOL 305 practicals. You will find your practical and tutorial manuals here. Field based tutorials will be supplied to you both online and in paper format, LAN based practicals will only be supplied to you via this website. On the left of the screen you will see the menu for this website. Within each section are multiple pages which are hidden at first - click on a section and you will see the sections’s sub-sections. The First section contains details of the module - i.e. the module syllabus and requirements/pre-requisites, time tables and deadlines, contact details, etc. The second section contains information pertaining to tutorials - this information will be perpetually available. The third section will contain the practical manuals. This section will be updated on a weekly basis - only current and past practicals will be visible while future practicals will only become available once we have reached that week.

R introduction notes

Prof Scharler and Dr Bastian have kindly made available notes from a course which they ran towards the end of last year. These notes give a great introduction to R in general. These notes come in two parts - the notes and an example Excel data file to be used in some analyses.